ACADEMIE FRANCAISE (French Academy) - Annual Public Meeting
Founded in 1634, Formalized in 1635

ACADEMIE FRANCAISE - Annual Public Meeting (Source: © Ruby BIRD & Yasmina BEDDOU)
The Académie Française (French Academy) is the pre-eminent French council for matters pertaining to the French language. The Académie was officially established in 1635 by Cardinal Richelieu, the chief minister to King Louis XIII. Suppressed in 1793 during the French Revolution, it was restored...
The Académie Française (French Academy) is the pre-eminent French council for matters pertaining to the French language. The Académie was officially established in 1635 by Cardinal Richelieu, the chief minister to King Louis XIII. Suppressed in 1793 during the French Revolution, it was restored as a division of the Institut de France in 1803 by Napoleon Bonaparte. It is the oldest of the five académies of the institute. The Académie consists of forty members, known informally as les immortels (the immortals).
Annual public meeting 2016 - receives under the dome and chaired by M. Xavier Darcos, the winners distinguished during this year. It was on Thursday, December 1, 2016 at 3.00 pm. The Order of Readings :
* Speech on Literary Awards by Mme Danièle Sallenave (In-Office Manager)
* '1816-2016 : Bicentenary of the Restoration of the French Academy'. Speech by Mme Hélène Carrère d'Encausse (Permanent Secretary)
* Speech on Vertue by M. Xavier Darcos (Director of the meeting)
* Speech on Literary Awards by Mme Danièle Sallenave (In-Office Manager)
* '1816-2016 : Bicentenary of the Restoration of the French Academy'. Speech by Mme Hélène Carrère d'Encausse (Permanent Secretary)
* Speech on Vertue by M. Xavier Darcos (Director of the meeting)
* Grand Prix of the Francophonie : M. Takeshi MATSUMURA
* Great Medal of the Franophonie : STROMAE
* Grand Prix of Literature Henri GAL (Award of the Institute of France) : M. Michel del Castillo (for his Lifetime work)
* Jacques de FOUCHIER Award : Général Vincent DESPORTES for 'La Dernière Bataille de France. Lettre aux Français qui croient encore être défendus' (The Last Battle of France. Letter to French people who still believe being defended)
* Novel Great Award : Mme Adélaïde de CLERMONT-TONNERRE for 'Le Dernier des nôtres' (The last one of us)
* Grand Prix of the Francophonie : M. Takeshi MATSUMURA
* Great Medal of the Franophonie : STROMAE
* Grand Prix of Literature Henri GAL (Award of the Institute of France) : M. Michel del Castillo (for his Lifetime work)
* Jacques de FOUCHIER Award : Général Vincent DESPORTES for 'La Dernière Bataille de France. Lettre aux Français qui croient encore être défendus' (The Last Battle of France. Letter to French people who still believe being defended)
* Novel Great Award : Mme Adélaïde de CLERMONT-TONNERRE for 'Le Dernier des nôtres' (The last one of us)
* French Academy Maurice GENEVOIX Award : Mme Elisabeth BARILLE for 'LOreille d'Or' (The golden earing)
* Hervé DELUEN Grand Award : Mme Hélé BEJI
* Léon de ROSEN Award : MM. Patrick de WEVVER and Bruno DAVID for 'La Biodiversité de crise en crise' (Biodiversity from crisis to crisis)
* Poetry Grand Award : M/ Bernard NOËL (For his Lifetime Work)
* Philosophy Grand Award : M. Jean VIOULAC (For his Lifetime Work)
* MORON Grand Award : M. Jacques LECOMTE for 'La Bonté humaine. Altruisme, empathie, générosité' (Human Kindness. Altruism, Empathy, Generosity)
* Hervé DELUEN Grand Award : Mme Hélé BEJI
* Léon de ROSEN Award : MM. Patrick de WEVVER and Bruno DAVID for 'La Biodiversité de crise en crise' (Biodiversity from crisis to crisis)
* Poetry Grand Award : M/ Bernard NOËL (For his Lifetime Work)
* Philosophy Grand Award : M. Jean VIOULAC (For his Lifetime Work)
* MORON Grand Award : M. Jacques LECOMTE for 'La Bonté humaine. Altruisme, empathie, générosité' (Human Kindness. Altruism, Empathy, Generosity)
* GOBERT Grand Award : between M. Henry LAURENS for 'La Question de Palestine 'The Question of Palestine') and M. Daniel ROCHE for 'Histoire de la culture équestre - XVIe-XIXe siècle' (the History of equestrian culture)
* Literary Biography Award: M. Philippe FOREST for 'Aragon'
* Historical Biography Award : M. Jean BALCOU for 'Ernest RENON'
* Critics Award : M. Jean-Paul ENTHOVEN for 'Saisons de papier' (seasons of paper)
* Essay Award : M. Francis KAPLAN for his Lifetime Work and M. Alain de VULPIAN for 'Eloge de la métamorphose. En marche vers une nouvelle humanité' (Tribute to metamorphosis. March towards a new humanity)
* Literary Biography Award: M. Philippe FOREST for 'Aragon'
* Historical Biography Award : M. Jean BALCOU for 'Ernest RENON'
* Critics Award : M. Jean-Paul ENTHOVEN for 'Saisons de papier' (seasons of paper)
* Essay Award : M. Francis KAPLAN for his Lifetime Work and M. Alain de VULPIAN for 'Eloge de la métamorphose. En marche vers une nouvelle humanité' (Tribute to metamorphosis. March towards a new humanity)
* Cardinal LUSTIGER Award : M. Pierre MANENT for his Lifetime Work
*Novel Award : M. Gérard OBERLE for 'Bonnes Nouvelles de Chassignet' (Good News from Chassignet)
* The Academy Award : M. Christian BOBIN for his Lifetime Work, M. Dominique BOUREL for 'Martin BUBER. Sentinelle de l'humanité' (Martin BUBER. Sentinel of Humanity), M. Philippe PAQUET for 'Simon LEYS. Navigateur entre les mondes' (Simon LEYS. Navigator between worlds), M. Claude EVENO for 'L'Humeur paysagère' (the landscape mood)
* Theatre Award : M. Pascal RAMBERT for his Lifetime Work
* Young Theatre Béatrix Dussane-André ROUSSIN Award : Mme Andréa BESCOND for 'Les Chatouilles ou la danse de la colère' (Ticke or the anger dance)
*Novel Award : M. Gérard OBERLE for 'Bonnes Nouvelles de Chassignet' (Good News from Chassignet)
* The Academy Award : M. Christian BOBIN for his Lifetime Work, M. Dominique BOUREL for 'Martin BUBER. Sentinelle de l'humanité' (Martin BUBER. Sentinel of Humanity), M. Philippe PAQUET for 'Simon LEYS. Navigateur entre les mondes' (Simon LEYS. Navigator between worlds), M. Claude EVENO for 'L'Humeur paysagère' (the landscape mood)
* Theatre Award : M. Pascal RAMBERT for his Lifetime Work
* Young Theatre Béatrix Dussane-André ROUSSIN Award : Mme Andréa BESCOND for 'Les Chatouilles ou la danse de la colère' (Ticke or the anger dance)
* Cinema René CLAIR Award : Mme Anne FONTAINE for her lifetime cinematographic work
* French Song Great Medal : M. Jean-Jacques GOLDMAN for his Lifetime Work
* French Language and Literature Influence Award : M. Jean Paul BARBIER-MUELLER for his 'Dictionnaire des poètes Français de la seconde moitié du XVIè siècle' (Dictionary of French Poets from seconde half of XVIth century), The French Alliance of Abu-Dhabi, Mme Elena FUMAGALLI (Art History of Modene Lecturer), M. Eduardo LOURENCO (Portuguese Philosopher), Mme Mona MAKKI-GALLET (founder of the TV show 'espace francophone')
* Théophile GAUTIER Poetry Award: M. Werner LAMBERSY for 'La Perte du Temps, followed by On ne peut pas dépenser des centimes' (Lost of the Time and Can't spend Cents
* French Song Great Medal : M. Jean-Jacques GOLDMAN for his Lifetime Work
* French Language and Literature Influence Award : M. Jean Paul BARBIER-MUELLER for his 'Dictionnaire des poètes Français de la seconde moitié du XVIè siècle' (Dictionary of French Poets from seconde half of XVIth century), The French Alliance of Abu-Dhabi, Mme Elena FUMAGALLI (Art History of Modene Lecturer), M. Eduardo LOURENCO (Portuguese Philosopher), Mme Mona MAKKI-GALLET (founder of the TV show 'espace francophone')
* Théophile GAUTIER Poetry Award: M. Werner LAMBERSY for 'La Perte du Temps, followed by On ne peut pas dépenser des centimes' (Lost of the Time and Can't spend Cents
* HEREDIA Poetry Award : M. Yves MABIN CHENNEVIERE for 'Errance à l'os' (wandering to the bone)
* François COPPEE Poetry Award : M. Guy ALLIX for 'Le sang le soir' (Blood at night)
* Henri MONDOR Poetry Award : M. Laurent MATTIUSSI for 'Mallarmé et la Chine' (Mallarmé and China)
* MONTYON Literature and Philosophy Award : M. Hervé GAYMARD for 'Bonheurs et Grandeur. Ces journées où les Français ont été heureux' (Happiness and Greatness. Those days when French were happy)
* LA BRUYERE Literature and Philosophy Award : M. Renan LARUE for 'Le Végétarisme et ses ennems. Vingt-cinq siècles de débats' (Vegetarianism and its ennemies. 25 centuries of debates)
* François COPPEE Poetry Award : M. Guy ALLIX for 'Le sang le soir' (Blood at night)
* Henri MONDOR Poetry Award : M. Laurent MATTIUSSI for 'Mallarmé et la Chine' (Mallarmé and China)
* MONTYON Literature and Philosophy Award : M. Hervé GAYMARD for 'Bonheurs et Grandeur. Ces journées où les Français ont été heureux' (Happiness and Greatness. Those days when French were happy)
* LA BRUYERE Literature and Philosophy Award : M. Renan LARUE for 'Le Végétarisme et ses ennems. Vingt-cinq siècles de débats' (Vegetarianism and its ennemies. 25 centuries of debates)
* Jules JANIN Literature and Philosophy Award : M. Bernard COMBEAUD for his traduction of Lucrèce 'La Naissance des choses' (Birth of things)
* Emile AUGIER Literature and Philosophy Award : M. Laurent MAUVIGNIER for 'Retour à Berrathan' (Return to Berratham)
* Emile JFAGUET Literature and Philosophy Award : M. Pierre BONCENNE for 'Le Parapluie de Simon LEYS' (The umbrella of Simon LEYS)
* Louis BARTHOU Literature and Philosophy Award : M. Charles ROBINSON for 'Fabrication de la guerre civile' (manufacturing of the civil war)
* Anna de NOAILLES Literature and Philosophy Award : Mme Sylvie CASTER for 'L'Homme océan' (Ocean Man)
* Emile AUGIER Literature and Philosophy Award : M. Laurent MAUVIGNIER for 'Retour à Berrathan' (Return to Berratham)
* Emile JFAGUET Literature and Philosophy Award : M. Pierre BONCENNE for 'Le Parapluie de Simon LEYS' (The umbrella of Simon LEYS)
* Louis BARTHOU Literature and Philosophy Award : M. Charles ROBINSON for 'Fabrication de la guerre civile' (manufacturing of the civil war)
* Anna de NOAILLES Literature and Philosophy Award : Mme Sylvie CASTER for 'L'Homme océan' (Ocean Man)
* François MAURIAC Literature and Philosophy Award : M. Pierre ADRIAN for 'La Piste Pasolini' (the Track of Pasolini)
* Georges DUMEZIL Literature and Philosophy Award : M. Dominique CSAJUS for 'L'Alphabet touareg' (The Touareg Alphabet)
* Roland de JOUVENEL Literature and Philosophy Award : M. Stéphane BARSACQ for 'Le Piano dans l'éducation des jeunes filles' (The Piano in the girls' education)
* BIGUET Literature and Philosophy Award : R.P. François DAGUET for 'Du Politique chez Thomas d'Aquin' (Politics with Francis of Aquinas)
* Eve DELACROIX Literature and Philosophy Award : M. Gilles THOMAS for 'Les Catacombes. Histoire du Paris souterrain' (The catacombs. History of the underground Paris)
* Georges DUMEZIL Literature and Philosophy Award : M. Dominique CSAJUS for 'L'Alphabet touareg' (The Touareg Alphabet)
* Roland de JOUVENEL Literature and Philosophy Award : M. Stéphane BARSACQ for 'Le Piano dans l'éducation des jeunes filles' (The Piano in the girls' education)
* BIGUET Literature and Philosophy Award : R.P. François DAGUET for 'Du Politique chez Thomas d'Aquin' (Politics with Francis of Aquinas)
* Eve DELACROIX Literature and Philosophy Award : M. Gilles THOMAS for 'Les Catacombes. Histoire du Paris souterrain' (The catacombs. History of the underground Paris)
* Jacques LACROIX Literature and Philosophy Award : M. Vincent TARDIEU for 'L'Etrange Silence des abeilles. Enquête sur un déclin inquiétant' (Strange silence of bees. Investigation on a worrying decline)
* Raymond de BOYER de SAINTE-SUZANNE Literature and Philosophy Award : R.P Thierry-Dominique HUMBRECHT for 'Eloge de l'action politique' -Tribute to the political action)
* SIVET Literature and Philosophy Award : Mme Dany HADJADJ for the publication of the Alexandre VIALATTE - Henri POURRAT Correspondance
* GUIZOT Historical Award : M. Nicolas RUSSELIER for 'La Force du Gouverneur. Le pouvoir exécutif en France (XIXe - XXIe siècle' (Power of the Governor. The Executive Power 19th - 21th century)
* Raymond de BOYER de SAINTE-SUZANNE Literature and Philosophy Award : R.P Thierry-Dominique HUMBRECHT for 'Eloge de l'action politique' -Tribute to the political action)
* SIVET Literature and Philosophy Award : Mme Dany HADJADJ for the publication of the Alexandre VIALATTE - Henri POURRAT Correspondance
* GUIZOT Historical Award : M. Nicolas RUSSELIER for 'La Force du Gouverneur. Le pouvoir exécutif en France (XIXe - XXIe siècle' (Power of the Governor. The Executive Power 19th - 21th century)
* GUIZOT Silver Medal Historical Award : M. Vincent ROBERT for 'La Petite-Fille de la sorcière. Enquête sur la culture magique des campagnes au temps de George Sand' (The witch grand-daughter. Investigation on the magical culture in the countryside during the George Sand times)
* THIERS Historical Award : M. Yannick NEXON for 'Le Chandelier Séguier (1588-1672). Ministre , dévot et mécène au Grand Siècle' (the candlestick SEGUIER (1588-1672). Minister, devotee and Patron during the Great Century)
* Eugène COLAS Historical Award : Mme Catherine GOUSSEFF for 'Echanger les peuples. Le déplacement des minorités aux confins polono-soviétiques (1944-1947)' (Changing people. The displacement of minorities at the polish-soviet's edges
* THIERS Historical Award : M. Yannick NEXON for 'Le Chandelier Séguier (1588-1672). Ministre , dévot et mécène au Grand Siècle' (the candlestick SEGUIER (1588-1672). Minister, devotee and Patron during the Great Century)
* Eugène COLAS Historical Award : Mme Catherine GOUSSEFF for 'Echanger les peuples. Le déplacement des minorités aux confins polono-soviétiques (1944-1947)' (Changing people. The displacement of minorities at the polish-soviet's edges
* Eugène CARRIER Historical Award : M. Pierre-Yves KAIRIS for 'Bertholet FLEMAL (1614-1675). Le 'Raphaël des Pays-Bas' au carrefour de Liège et de Paris' (Bertholet FLEMAL (1614-1675). The 'Raphaël of Netherlands at the crossroads of Liège and Paris
* Louis CASTEX Historical Award : M. Bernard DUPAIGNE for 'Désastres afghans. Carnets de route (1963-2014)' (Afghan disaster. Road Book (1963-2014)
* Monseigneur MARCEL Historical Award : M. Jean- BALSAMO for 'L'amorevolezza verso le cose italiche'
* Silver Medal Monseigneur MARCEL Historical Award : Mm Francesca ALBERTI for 'La peinture facétieuse. Du rire sacré de Corrège aux fables burlesques de Tintoret
* Louis CASTEX Historical Award : M. Bernard DUPAIGNE for 'Désastres afghans. Carnets de route (1963-2014)' (Afghan disaster. Road Book (1963-2014)
* Monseigneur MARCEL Historical Award : M. Jean- BALSAMO for 'L'amorevolezza verso le cose italiche'
* Silver Medal Monseigneur MARCEL Historical Award : Mm Francesca ALBERTI for 'La peinture facétieuse. Du rire sacré de Corrège aux fables burlesques de Tintoret
* Diane POTIER-BOES Historical Award : MM. Pierre et Christian PAHLAVI for 'Le marécage des Ayatollahs. Une Histoire de la révolution iranienne' (the Swamp of Ayatollahs. A story of the iranian revolution)
* François MILEPIERRES Historical Award : M. Paulin ISMARD for 'La Démocratie contre les experts. Les esclaves publics en Grèce ancienne' (The Democraty vs experts. Public slaves in Ancient Greece)
* Augustin THIERRY Historical Award : M. Damien BOQUET and Mme Piroska NAGY for 'Sensible Moyen Age. Une histoire des émotions dans l'Occident Médiéval'
* François MILEPIERRES Historical Award : M. Paulin ISMARD for 'La Démocratie contre les experts. Les esclaves publics en Grèce ancienne' (The Democraty vs experts. Public slaves in Ancient Greece)
* Augustin THIERRY Historical Award : M. Damien BOQUET and Mme Piroska NAGY for 'Sensible Moyen Age. Une histoire des émotions dans l'Occident Médiéval'
* Henri de REGNIER Support for creative writing Award : M. Marc PAUTREL, after 'Une jeunesse de Blaise Pascal' (Youth of Blaise Pascal)
* AMIC Support for creative writing Award : M. Olivier BLEYS, after 'Discours d'un arbre sur la fragilité des hommes' (Speech of a tree on fragility of men)
* MOTTART Support for creative writing Award : M. Alain BLOTTIERE, after 'Comment Baptiste est mort' (How Baptiste died)
Yasmina BEDDOU
* AMIC Support for creative writing Award : M. Olivier BLEYS, after 'Discours d'un arbre sur la fragilité des hommes' (Speech of a tree on fragility of men)
* MOTTART Support for creative writing Award : M. Alain BLOTTIERE, after 'Comment Baptiste est mort' (How Baptiste died)
Yasmina BEDDOU
Ruby Bird Yasmina Beddou French Academy France Louis Xviii Cardinal De Richelieu Founded In 1634 Lormalized In 1635
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